Friday, July 17, 2009

i'm back :)

HELLO!!!! =D

haha:) lol. have been playing BASKETBALL more and more these day :) super fun :) 'cos can SNATCH!!!! =D

nothing much happened over the past week, just the usual stuff :) oh and i'm SUPER sad 'cos cca starting....not because i hate it, but because i wont be able to go for dance class anymore on fridays....argh! and my exams are coming. like REAL SOON. cannot miss lesson!!!!!!! die die die. must ask teacher if can let me off cca early . then at least can go for abit of class :)

helped 3rd sis with her stall at the flea market yesterday. she's selling some 2nd hand clothes and some brand new ones. the brand new ones can be found on this website : . haha. you people probably will not be very interested in it :) but whatever la. i told her i'll help advertise abit. so here. i did it :) anyway, later selling again :)can go buy bubble tea like last night. oh and last night, i saw my dear friend. she is BLACK BLACK LIKE ME, and has really cool curly hair :) haha. but she never buy clothes :)

anyway, looking forward to tomorrow, except for english. argh. my english is BADDDDD. veriveriveri de bad. haha :) lol. oops, mum's calling. bye! must go DRINK WATER!!!!


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