Thursday, July 9, 2009

lalala :)

hello! er...this will be quite short 'cos mum is getting VERY ANGRY 'cos it's LATE. haha (:

anyway, i had to wear a dress to my aunts wedding dinner....but i wore a dress which was like a sundress, and i can run around freely in it (: and it's YELLOW! haha =D my mum didn't seem to mind. didn't get to run around much though. that's what i dislike about wedding dinners in singapore. in malaysia, it's always noisy and we can run around from table to table (: and some of my cousins came!!! but didn't sit same table as them....had to sit with 2 other aunts and uncles and their daughters....each couple had 2 daughters...blah. anyway, i was super disappointed when none of my cousins staying over at singapore except one....

went to eat at airport....had TERIYAKI CHICKEN pasta. haha teriyaki chicken rocks (:
then sent my 6th aunt & uncle & cousin off (they live in penang). then went home (:

nothing much happened over the past few days, except the usual crazy stuff (: piano exam was ok.

bye. gotta go (:
wendy/xavier =D

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